
Royston Environmental Group

Working towards a sustainable future

Thermal Imaging Surveys

Do you have a property that is too cold in winter? 

The group now has a thermal imaging camera which can be used for surveys. These can help identify places where heat is escaping or where cold drafts are entering you property.

Surveys arranged through the group will be carried out by volunteers trained at a minimum by the Cambridge Carbon Footprint training team. They will be versed in the use of our camera and how to interpret the resulting images. A property report will be produced which you can use to identify and support any remedial work you wish to undertake.

If you wish to carry out your own survey. Cambridge Carbon Footprint have a number of camera available to borrow in the North Herts / South Cambs area. They offer training in the use of their cameras and make them available to those who have completed this training. More information on this is available here


Our HIKMICRO Pocket 1 Thermal Imaging Camera funded through sponsorship by 


About the surveys

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The survey, once booked, will be carried out by a trained volunteer who will work with you to obtain the best results. To achieve this it is recommended that surveys are undertaken when there is a significant difference between temperatures outside and indoors, usually of at least 10ºC. This means that they usually take place during the colder months. The weather can also influence the results as drier conditions generally provide more accurate readings.

  • The survey will be carried out on an agreed date and time, unless weather coditions on the day are too adverse to provide good results, in which case it will be rearranged for an agreed alternative date and time.

  • Access to the outside of the property will need to be granted and it is usually a good idea to accompany the volunteer surveyor to ensure areas of concern are covered.

  • It is sometimes also beneficial to access the interior of the property to identify areas where any colder areas are present as this can indicate drafts or where insufficient insulation exists. 

  • Images taken during the survey will be anonymised as far as possible to try to ensure individuals and properties cannot be identified. We will retain a copy of the final report but not the images taken during the survey.

The surveys are currently only offered to group members for whom they are free of charge.

If you are not yet a member of the group you can join by clicking the "Membership” or “Join Us” links above.

The survey report

The survey report is intended to provide information on areas of your property where improvements to heat efficiency could be beneficial.

What’s included

  • Images taken during the survey illustrating the areas of concern.

  • A description of each of these areas together with a summary of the findings for that area

  • Recommendations on resolving these areas of concern.

What’s not included

  • Details on how any remedial work could be carried out.

  • Recommendations on who should be approached to carry out any remedial work

  • Any indications of the likely cost of carrying out any remedial work.

How to request a survey

If you are intested in having a survey conducted on your property please complete this form and we’ll contact you to let you know more about the visit and arrange dates and times.

We have an agreement which we would like you to read and sign as this lets us know that you understand what’s involved and any limitations that exists on the survey. We will send you a copy of this once the visit has been arranged.

The information provided here will be retained for as long as is necessary to provide this service. Typically this will be one month following the delivery of the survey.

* Denotes a required field.


Here you can find documentation and other links to useful resources which will help you to understand the HIKMICRO Pocket1 Camera, its setup and use. There is a quick guide specifically for REG volunteers and the full, official user guide by HIKMICRO.

Also provided are links to Cambridge Carbon Footprint’s training slides. It should be noted that these are not a comprehensive training course on their own and are provided for information only. They are an aide mémoire for those who have attended the CCF training course.

For imformation, there is also an article on interpreting Thermal Images.

Please note that some of these links are to third party websites and REG has no control over their upkeep or content. Please let us know if any of the links are broken.

Website design

Michael Wright


The content of this website 
© Royston Environmental Group except the REG logo © Adshots Digital Studio

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