
Royston Environmental Group

Working towards a sustainable future

Events and activities

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Plastic Free July

Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste.

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

Find out more on their website -

Keep Britain Tidy Litter Pick

Saturday, 23rd March 2024

Serby Avenue Play Area, Royston

The Group organised a litter pick as part of the Keep Britain Tidy campaign. This time we met at the play area at the far end of Serby Avenue.

We were lucky to have a short window between gusts of wind and threatened showers to be able to collect several bags full of discarded litter. We even got some thanks from passers by.

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Christmas Jumper Swap Meet

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Saturday, 18th November 2023

Royston Library

The Royston Envirnmental Group, in association with the WasteAware Hertfordshire Partnership, held a Christmas Jumber Swap Meet.

Who says you have to be a dedicated follower of fashion? Here was an opportunity to refresh your wardrobe with some pre-loved daft jumpers for the festive celebrations. You could bring along your old jumpers and swap them for something else which may have taken your fancy.

Website design

Michael Wright


The content of this website 
© Royston Environmental Group except the REG logo © Adshots Digital Studio

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