New clothing and a chance to fight Fast Fashion, what’s not to like? Come along to Royston Library and swap your old Christmas jumpers for something which will refresh your style this Christmas.
We accept adult, children’s and dog jumpers as well as Christmas stockings.
If you’re dropping items off, you can do so between 10 and 11 am, which gives us a chance to organise them on the display racks ready for the main event.
One of the main objectives of the Royston Environmental Group is to gain the status of “Plastic Free Royston” and we already have eight Plastic Free Champions, small local businesses that have dropped single use plastic from their day to day organisation.
We are actively seeking Plastic Free Community Allies to join our crusade. Local community groups and non-profit organisations to sign up to a similar pledge. There are no costs involved!
The group’s origins were within the “Naturally Royston” working party of Royston Town Council where the “Plastic Free Royston” initiative had been an embryonic project for two months in early 2020. However, it was subsequently felt that this project and any other environmental issues would be better served by forming a separate community based group.
Our initial project has been to continue the Plastic Free Royston initiative, which is part of a national campaign run by Surfers Against Sewage and which many towns across the UK have taken up, including others close to Royston. This initiative aims to drastically reduce single-use plastics in the town and surrounding areas, in local schools, businesses and other groups. Individual residents will be encouraged to remove at least thee single-use plastic items from their daily activities.
In 2021 the Group launched its new Sustain-Ability initiative which aims to help the people of the Royston area work towards a more sustainable way of living. You can find out more about Sustain-Ability by following the links above.
To improve the environment in the Royston area and globally.
To bring together the residents of the Royston area and foster a better understanding of environmental issues.
To educate the residents of Royston about environmental issues and to help them understand what they can do to help.
To promote postiive action and mutual support among our members.
To undertake specific activities agreed upon by the committee to further these aims.
Royston Environmental Group is volunteer led and run by the following committee -
Carol Stanier
Sarah Lewis-Hayes
Treasurer and membership
Lynne Beaney
Publicity and social media
Alix Cooper
Michael Wright
Please use this form to contact the Group with your enquiry.
To join the Group please use the Join Us link above.
Michael Wright
The content of this website
© Royston Environmental Group except the REG logo © Adshots Digital Studio