Royston and District Local History Society


The Society organises a number of talks by experts in their field to which members and the public are invited. Every summer it also organises coach trips to places which may be of interest to members.


The AGM and talk on 13th May has been postponed until
9th September to enable the meeting to be held in Royston Town Hall.

Covid 19 - Restriction on numbers attending meetings

If you wish to attend the any of the meetings please book a place.

Call 01763 242677 or use the link below to do so via email.

Booking via email

Also, please wear a face covering to all meetings you attend.


The Royston Institute built in 1855 and now Royston’s Town Hall where the Society meets.

2024-25 Season

The 2024 - 25 season will start on 3rd October 2024.
The programme will be issued in due course.


October 5th

Making a Stand for Chelsea – Medicinal Plants

Dr Tim Wreghitt

November 2nd

Taste of Xmas

Cas Sanders

December 7th

Letchworth Settlement

The origins of the settlement movement and how Letchworth grew during its 100 years.

Kate Thompson


January 4th

What Women Did ...

Further research into the lives of women in World War I

Pamela Wright

February 1st

Folk football across East Anglia

Whilst Cambridge University students are acknowledged with the creation of the modern-day laws of Association Football in the mid 19th century, the significant impact of the game across East Anglia over many centuries has gone unheralded.

Nigel Fenner 

March 7th

The Picture Postcard; as Eyewitness to History

Looking at social history via the medium of old postcards.

Mark Pardoe

April 4th

Bourn Windmill and the History of Milling Through the Ages

Andrew Smith and Kate Armstrong

May 9th

7.30 pm Annual General Meeting at Royston Museum

followed at 8.00 pm

Royston Museum

Emma Canterbury

The evening concludes with a light buffet.

Saturday, 1st June

Coach Outing to Sutton Hoo (NT), Suffolk

Awe-inspiring Anglo-Saxon royal burial site.

2024-25 Season


January 5th

Cambridge Students through History

Honor Ridout

February 2nd

The Stort Story

The 13¾ winding miles of the Stort Navigation is generally acknowledged to be among the prettiest in England. We look at the history of the river from 1766 and travel the waterway from Bishop’s Stortford to Hoddesdon.

Richard Thomas

March 2nd

Love and Marriage

Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews

April 6th

The History of Sainsbury’s Depot, Buntingford

Alan Charles

May 11th

7.30 pm Annual General Meeting

followed at 8.00 pm

Alexander Litvinenko – The Spy who solved his Own Murder

In 2006 two Russian Intelligence agents flew into London from Moscow. Their mission had one objective, to kill Ex KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko. We look at his life and death and the attempts to assassinate him. We examine the deadly poison
Polonium 210 and the reasons why a vengeful President finally said enough. We draw attention to the conclusions of the public enquiry set up after his death and we ask if his family will ever find proper justice.

Paul Barwick

The evening concludes with light refreshments.

Saturday, 3rd June

Coach outing to Windsor

The venue

The Heritage Hall
Town Hall
Melbourn Street

Meetings start at 8.00 pm

How to find us